Fit Fem Strong: Total Body Solution

Oct 4


Sylvia Naer

Sylvia Naer

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Look, there's nothing wrong with desiring to be healthy, feminine, fit and totally strong and kick ass! We want to project an image of sexiness and co...


Look,Fit Fem Strong: Total Body Solution Articles there's nothing wrong with desiring to be healthy, feminine, fit and totally strong and kick ass! We want to project an image of sexiness and confidence. Now, if this is true, perhaps this article is perfect for you. The Fit Fem Flash series presents to you Fit Fem Strong: Total Body Solution workout, a 5 minute, no equipment,  overall workout regimen that will change your entire life forever, and ever. It's my website, I'm allowed to get dramatic (insert smiley face). No really, my aim to always keep you fit, and to make you even more confident with your body. So, if you want to fit into those skinny jeans and that summer bikini perfectly, maybe the Fit Fem Strong: Total Body Solution is for you.

Basically, the Fit Fem Strong: Total Body Solution is a workout plan; specifically designed for all the Fit Fem'rs out there. Want to look look sexy, beautiful, healthy and confident. Try it out!

Each exercise in this workout is performed for 50 seconds with 10 seconds of rest in between for just 1 round. Get ready to sweat that fat off with this particular workout plan!!
1.Ski Jumps – Start by standing up. Keeping your core tight, quickly jump from side to side making sure that each time with your feet are about hip-width apart.
2.Good Mornings – Start by standing and have your arms straight up overhead.  Keeping abs tight and knees slightly bent, hinge from the hips and lower the torso until it is parallel to the floor, keeping the arms in line with ears.  Come back up and repeat.  Keep the abs contracted throughout the move.  Keep the movement slow and controlled.
3.Alternating Forward Lunges – Start by standing with feet shoulder width apart. Step forward with one leg into a deep lunge where you knees are past your ankles, not past your toes. Push yourself back up and repeat with the other leg. Keep alternating with each leg.
4.Burpees - Begin in a squat position with hands on the floor in front of you. Using momentum, kick your feet back to get into a pushup position. Quickly return back into your squat and leap as high as you can from the squat position.
5.Plank Jacks - Get into a plank position. Forearms are on the ground, and toes on ground supporting the body. Keep everything in line with your spine: shoulders, hips, knees and ankles should be level. Contract your abs. Look down at the ground with head up, not hanging to support neck. Legs should start together, jump them apart (like you would in a normal jumping jack), hold, then jump them back together again. Keep the movement fluid and smooth.

So rev up your metabolism with Fit Fem Strong: Total Body Solution. Stay consistent with your workout and you'll no doubt see results very quickly.