Essential Strategies for Hardgainers to Accelerate Muscle Growth

May 6


John Baines

John Baines

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For individuals struggling to gain muscle, commonly known as hardgainers, the journey to building mass can often feel daunting. Factors such as a fast metabolism, dietary challenges, and the balance of training with life's demands can impede progress. However, with targeted strategies and consistent effort, gaining muscle is achievable. This article delves into eight practical tips that can help hardgainers transform their physique efficiently.

Understanding the Hardgainer Challenge

Before diving into the tips,Essential Strategies for Hardgainers to Accelerate Muscle Growth Articles it's crucial to understand what makes someone a hardgainer. Typically, hardgainers have a higher metabolism which burns calories at an accelerated rate, making it difficult to create a caloric surplus necessary for muscle growth. According to a study in the "Journal of Applied Physiology," individuals with a naturally fast metabolism might need significantly more calories to see muscle growth compared to the average person.

1. Set Realistic Weight Goals

Setting a clear and achievable goal weight is crucial. A general guideline is to aim for at least 1 kg for each cm above 1 m in height. Here’s a quick reference:

  • 170 cm (5'7") - Aim for at least 70 kg (154 lbs)
  • 175 cm (5'9") - Aim for at least 75 kg (165 lbs)
  • 180 cm (5'11") - Aim for at least 80 kg (176 lbs)
  • 185 cm (6'1") - Aim for at least 85 kg (187 lbs)
  • 190 cm (6'3") - Aim for at least 90 kg (200 lbs)

2. Frequent Nutrient-Dense Meals

Eating every three hours is essential to maintain a steady influx of nutrients and calories. Aim for at least 20 kcal per pound of body weight. For instance, a person weighing 138 pounds would need approximately 2760 calories daily. This number should be adjusted based on physical activity levels and metabolic rate.

3. Prioritize Breakfast

Start your day with a nutrient-rich breakfast within 15-30 minutes of waking up to kickstart your metabolism and prevent muscle catabolism. Ideal breakfast choices include:

  • Oatmeal with bananas and milk
  • Scrambled eggs on wholegrain toast
  • Protein-rich omelettes or boiled eggs

4. Opt for Calorie-Dense Foods

Incorporate high-calorie foods in every meal to simplify meeting your caloric needs. Foods like nuts, avocados, whole grains, and lean meats are excellent for this purpose.

5. Focus on Strength Gains

Prioritize getting stronger in the gym, as strength gains can lead to muscle growth. This approach is often more motivating as strength improvements can be noticed quicker than visible muscle growth.

6. Emphasize Compound Movements

Engage in compound exercises such as deadlifts, squats, bench presses, pull-ups, and dips. These exercises work multiple muscle groups simultaneously, leading to increased hormone release that supports muscle growth.

7. Maintain Proper Form

Always use correct form to reduce the risk of injuries and maximize the effectiveness of your workouts. Pay attention to both the eccentric (lowering) and concentric (lifting) phases of each exercise.

8. Ensure Adequate Rest

Rest is just as important as your workouts. During sleep, muscle-building hormones like IGF-1, Melatonin, and HGH are released. Aim for 6-8 hours of quality sleep per night to support recovery and growth.


By implementing these eight tips, hardgainers can see significant improvements in their muscle-building efforts. Consistency and patience, coupled with the right strategies, will lead to the desired gains. For more detailed guidance on workout routines and meal plans, reputable sources such as and Men's Health offer a wealth of information tailored to various fitness levels and goals.

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