The Monthly Coffee Club: A Perfect Gift for Coffee Lovers

May 20


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Looking for a unique and thoughtful gift? Consider a monthly coffee club subscription! Get 1 lb. of signature roast coffee delivered to your door each month for 6 or 12 months. Choose the blend that suits you best. It's not just a delightful gift; it's an opportunity to explore the world of coffee while supporting ethical practices.

Celebrating a Decade of Gourmet Coffee

The Gourmet Coffee Club,The Monthly Coffee Club: A Perfect Gift for Coffee Lovers Articles the original Coffee Roaster Coffee of the Month Club, is celebrating 10 years of discovering the finest small-batch coffee roasters across the country. Our mission is to bring their handcrafted coffees directly to your doorstep.

Making Ethical Choices

When selecting a coffee subscription, there are several important decisions to make. Should you choose a socially responsible gourmet coffee? Should it be Fair Trade certified? What about Song Bird Certified or Rainforest Alliance? And should it be organic? Some coffee companies even donate their profits to help homeless children. Let's break down these options to help you make an informed choice.

Fair Trade Coffee

Fair Trade certification ensures that coffee farmers receive a fair price for their beans, promoting sustainable farming practices and improving their quality of life. However, not all Fair Trade certifications are created equal. According to a report by Fair World Project, over 85% of Fair Trade labels are misleading, with some companies paying higher prices for lower-quality coffee and using the Fair Trade logo to charge consumers more. Always research the company's Fair Trade program and look for evidence of their impact on farmers and communities.

Song Bird and Tree Shade Certifications

Song Bird or Tree Shade certifications are becoming popular among consumers who want to support environmentally friendly coffee. However, these certifications can be misleading. Many companies with these certifications are importers, not farmers, and have little control over whether trees are cut down. Additionally, there is no oversight to ensure compliance. It's essential to research the company's practices and look for genuine environmental commitments.

Coffee with a Cause

Some coffee companies go beyond certifications and donate their profits to charitable causes, such as helping homeless children. These companies often have a more significant impact and are more trustworthy. Look for companies with transparent and documented charitable programs.

Choosing the Perfect Roast

Once you've selected an ethical coffee, it's time to choose the roast. Roasting brings out the aroma and flavor locked inside green coffee beans. There are four main roast types:

  1. Light Roasts: Light brown in color, preferred for milder coffee varieties. No oil on the surface. Common names: Half City, Light City.
  2. Medium Roasts: Medium brown with a stronger flavor and non-oily surface. Often called American roast or Breakfast Blend.
  3. Medium-Dark Roasts: Rich, darker color with some oil on the surface and a slight bittersweet aftertaste. Sometimes called House roast or Signature Roast.
  4. Dark Roasts: Oily, shiny beans with a pronounced aftertaste, often considered bitter. Common names: Italian, Espresso, French, Viennese.

Roast Comparison Table

Roast Type Color Surface Oil Flavor Profile Common Names
Light Roasts Light Brown None Mild, no oil Half City, Light City
Medium Roasts Medium Brown None Stronger flavor, non-oily American, Breakfast Blend
Medium-Dark Roasts Dark Brown Some Rich, slight bittersweet House, Signature Roast
Dark Roasts Very Dark Oily Pronounced aftertaste, bitter Italian, Espresso, French

Selecting the Origin

The origin of the coffee beans significantly impacts the flavor. For a consistent and flavorful gift, consider beans from Colombia, Costa Rica, or Brazil. These regions produce rich, smooth coffee with no aftertaste or bitterness. Other countries may offer unique flavors, but consistency can vary.


A monthly coffee club subscription is an outstanding gift that offers a world of choices. By selecting ethical and high-quality coffee, you can delight your gift recipient while supporting sustainable and charitable practices. Use these guidelines to make an informed decision and give a gift that keeps on giving.

For more information on Fair Trade practices, visit Fair Trade USA. To learn about the environmental impact of coffee farming, check out the Rainforest Alliance.


  • Fair World Project. (2021). "Fair Trade Labels: What Do They Really Mean?" Retrieved from Fair World Project.
  • Fair Trade USA. (2023). "What is Fair Trade?" Retrieved from Fair Trade USA.
  • Rainforest Alliance. (2023). "Sustainable Coffee Farming." Retrieved from Rainforest Alliance.