Warehouse Beetle Destructive Effect

Jul 26


Ma. Theresa Galan

Ma. Theresa Galan

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Warehouse beetle is an accurate name for the insect. These pests are often found in warehouses that store food. Their love of food dictates their travels, which usually involves flying into warehouses to obtain it.


Warehouse beetles aren't known for dwelling in warehouses—just going in to obtain food. They have been found in homes and museums and are usually hiding out in dried grains and dried foods. They actually find home in grain products like seeds,Warehouse Beetle Destructive Effect Articles candy, dried fruits, pet foods, nuts, and cereals.

Warehouse beetles apparently eat everything in sight, or what is in their natural environment. This includes animal-origin products like wool clothing, dead insects and animals, and dried milk. They also consume cereal, corn meal, candy, dog food, fishmeal, all kinds of seeds, flour, spaghetti, spices, peas, wheat, barley, and pollen. Is there anything they don't eat? Why yes. They cannot eat whole grain; however, they can eat broken kernels of grain.

Warehouse beetles are quite relentless. They have the ability to resist common control methods and starvation, making them quite the household pest. While they tend to be great food scavengers, warehouse beetles can actually survive up to a year without food during diapause. Larvae are usually easy to detect because of their coloring. They tend to hide out in food or in cracks in storage areas. In addition to their infestation, the many hair-like projections of the bugs are shed and can be an irritant to the respiratory and digestive tracts of anyone who is exposed to them.

Warehouse Beetle Pest Control Methods

Control of warehouse beetles requires locating and eliminating infested objects, such as clothing and food items. Remember that it may be hard to find the source and that there may be more than one source. Follow these steps for removal of warehouse beetles:

  1. Carefully examine possible foods, and throw away those that are infested.
  2. Check easy-to-reach places where dead insects tend to collect.
  3. Fully vacuum clean cabinets and shelves to collect insects and spilled or infested items.
  4.  Note that washing shelves with disinfectants will not do any good to rid insect pests that are stored in products or containers. Insecticide sprays are also not recommended in areas with food; the sprays obviously have no effect on insects inside packages.
  5. If beetles are found in many areas of the house, you can use insecticides labeled "ant and roach killer" products. Lightly spray areas where insects are likely to dwell: cracks, corners, and edges.
  6. For severe infestation, a pest control operator should be contacted for professional treatment of the bugs.

For more information of this topic, check out the site below:

insect control auckland, pest control auckland