Warm weather brings out all kinds of smells that have been lurking in our carpets. Carpet odor is caused by different factors. It could be because of germs and bacteria on the carpet or it can also be because of food particles which are left behind.
Carpets are not only observed using the sense of sight. Sometimes you can notice that carpets can have unpleasant odor which can be very unflattering and embarrassing.
Pets are real enemies of our carpets. They can tear of thread of carpets. They can even pee on the carpet and cause such a foul smell which is very difficult to clean up. Yu clean the pet's pee you may need to use enzymatic solutions.
Fortunately, there is a simple and non-toxic solution. Find out how to deodorize your carpets safely and effectively with baking soda!
Using baking soda on your carpet is one of the best ways to make the carpet smell better. You can very much rely on baking soda to deodorize your carpet as it has become one of the common household products being used in eliminating bad odor and smells around the home. It is very cheap and can be found in almost any household thus you won't have much trouble getting your hands on some. Using baking soda is also quite easy. All you need to do is to apply a think layer of baking soda on the carpet area where the smell is concentrated. Just let the baking soda stay on the carpet overnight before you use your heavy duty vacuum cleaner to remove it the following morning. The baking soda will absorb all the unpleasant odor and make your carpet smell cleaner once more.
While damp baking soda works really well for many odors, damp baking soda can also get stuck onto the carpet fibers and be difficult to clean. If you live in a very humid climate you might substitute a light spray of white distilled vinegar for the baking soda.
You can also make a carpet freshener by using some fragrant herbs to make it smell a lot better. You can do this by using a cup of dried herbs of your choice. You can pick whichever is your favorite but the most common ones being used for this purpose are lavender, rosemary, and jasmine. You just need to crush the dried herbs that you picked and mix it with a teaspoon of baking soda, a teaspoon of cinnamon, and a teaspoon of ground cloves. Mix all of these together and then ground them up until you have a very fine powder. Apply this onto the area of the carpet where the bad odor is emanating from and leave it there for about thirty minutes to an hour. Then, vacuum it out of the carpet and you'll notice that it has become more fragrant than before.
For more cleaning ideas and assistance, check out our page here:
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