Today I present to you the Beach Booty Fit Ball routine to get an awesome booty in less than 5 minutes. Before I start though, I suggest you purchase ...
Today I present to you the Beach Booty Fit Ball routine to get an awesome booty in less than 5 minutes. Before I start though, I suggest you purchase this one piece of equipment: the Swiss Ball, Exercise Ball, Swiss Ball (these are terms used interchangeably).
This piece of equipment is one of my all time favorites. Honestly, an exercise ball is a great way of putting variations to your workout. A simple workout if performed with the exercise ball can be super fun and exciting. It can add difficulty and precision to a well structured routine. Who woulda 'thunk' that one big round inflated ball would provide one of the best and most effective workouts. If you feel your workouts are already beginning to feel monotonous and boring, you can spice it up by getting yourself an exercise ball. Not only does it totally transform your core, because you are working with stability and balance, but you can get a complete total body workout. Today, though, we are only focusing on your tooshy toosh!
The following exercises are designed to tighten the glutes. Note, however, that since you are using an exercise ball, be very careful with balance. For this routine to be effective, you must perform this regularly by doing it in 3 rounds of two sets with fifteen repetitions each. Now go ahead and feel that tooshy burn! Whoop Whoop!
1. Squats. Put variation to your squat exercises by adding extra difficulty to it. This can be done by instead of just leaning on the wall with your back against it, place an exercise ball between you and the wall. Slowly slide down going into a squat position, with your thigh parallel to the ground. Hold the position as you struggle for the ball not to drop on the floor and slowly bring yourself back up.
2. Bent Knee Bridges. Lie on your back. Raise both feet and rest it over an exercise ball keeping knees bent. By using your hands (positioned parallel to your body) lift your stomach up forming your entire upper body into a straight line. Hold this position for 20 seconds and release.
3. Bridges into Hamstring Curl. Lie on your back. Place both feet on ball with straight legs. Raise By using your hands (positioned parallel to your body) lift your hips up forming your entire body into a straight line. Pressing your heels into the ball and keeping your hips lifted, curl your hamstrings by bending at the knees. Slowly extend your legs out again.
4. Straight Back Leg lifts. Lie on an exercise ball face down (ball on your stomach, under your pelvis). Rest your palms on the floor putting your weight on it while your feet barely touch the floor. Slowly lift both feet from the ground as you level it with your entire body. Feel the squeeze in your lower back and glutes. Slowly lower down and repeat.
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