Tips to Keep Your Office Clean

Jun 11




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As of the Pandemic in 2020, maintaining a safe and clean work environment in the office has become more than necessary. What measures can you take in order to protect yourself, your clients and your co-workers? We have made a complete list of basic principles you have to follow day after day until the end of the COVID crisis.


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact our lives,Tips to Keep Your Office Clean Articles it is crucial to prioritize safety and implement advanced measures to protect ourselves and others. In this article, we will explore the importance of keeping your workplace clean and tidy, maintaining optimal room temperature and humidity levels, preventing indoor air pollution, and the benefits of contacting a professional cleaning company. By following these guidelines, we can create safer environments and reduce the risk of viral transmission. Let's delve into the details!

  1. Advanced COVID-19 Safety Measures:
  2. a. Regular Hand Hygiene: Encourage frequent handwashing or provide hand sanitizing stations throughout the workplace. Proper hand hygiene is essential in preventing the spread of viruses and maintaining a safe environment.

b. Proper Mask Usage: Emphasize the correct use of masks, ensuring they cover both the nose and mouth. Masks serve as a protective barrier, reducing the transmission of respiratory droplets.

c. Social Distancing: Implement physical distancing measures by rearranging workspaces, maintaining at least 1 meter (3 feet) of distance between individuals, and limiting the number of people in common areas.

d. Enhanced Cleaning Protocols: Increase the frequency of cleaning and disinfection for frequently touched surfaces, such as doorknobs, light switches, and shared equipment. Use EPA-approved disinfectants effective against COVID-19.

  1. Importance of Keeping Your Workplace Clean and Tidy:
  2. a. Disease Prevention: A clean and tidy workplace minimizes the risk of infection transmission by reducing the presence of germs, viruses, and allergens on surfaces. Regular cleaning helps maintain a healthier environment for employees and visitors.

b. Productivity and Focus: A clutter-free workspace promotes better concentration and productivity. A clean and organized environment allows employees to focus on their tasks without distractions.

c. Professional Image: A clean and well-maintained workplace creates a positive impression on clients, visitors, and employees. It reflects your commitment to high standards and professionalism.

  1. Room Temperature and Humidity Control:
  2. a. Optimal Room Temperature: Keeping the room temperature between 18 °C and 20 °C (64 °F to 68 °F) provides a comfortable and conducive working environment. Adjust the temperature based on seasonal variations and employee preferences.

b. Maintaining Humidity Levels: Maintain indoor humidity levels close to 40% to prevent the growth and spread of mould, bacteria, and viruses. Excessive humidity can lead to dampness and contribute to respiratory problems.

  1. How to Prevent Indoor Air Pollution:
  2. a. Proper Ventilation: Ensure good airflow and ventilation in the workplace. Open windows or use mechanical ventilation systems to bring in fresh outdoor air. Proper ventilation helps dilute and remove indoor air pollutants.

b. Regular Air Filter Maintenance: Clean or replace air filters regularly to improve air quality. Dirty filters can accumulate dust, allergens, and pollutants, reducing the effectiveness of air purification systems.

c. Avoid Smoking Indoors: Implement a strict no-smoking policy within the workplace. Smoking indoors releases harmful chemicals and pollutants into the air, posing health risks to employees.

d. Use Natural Cleaning Products: Choose environmentally friendly cleaning products that are low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to minimize the release of harmful chemicals into the air.

  1. Contacting a Professional Cleaning Company:
  2. a. Expertise and Efficiency: Professional cleaning companies have the expertise, training, and appropriate equipment to handle deep cleaning and disinfection effectively. They can ensure thorough sanitization of all areas, including hard-to-reach places.