10 Steps To Online Profits
The article explains the 10 steps to start and operate an internet business. Sometimes, certain steps might be overlooked or may not be acknowledged as part of the process. In some cases, people get into internet business because they thought it is one of the easiest businesses to do; explaining to such people the importance of educating themselves and taking charge of their entire business process will shed some light into their internet adventure.
Everybody wish it could happen to them,

most people thinkabout it while some even make attempt couple of timeswithout luck.No, it's not winning the LOTTERY…It's about having the "Roadmap for Internet Success" so thatyou can operate a profitable online business!Every year, people set their goals and wish for the year tobe the year they will quit their day job and have more timefor fun and take care of their family. The mistake mostpeople make is they blindly jump into the next best salespitch without knowing how-to properly pull it off. My question to you is… Do you know what it takes to start making money online?If your answer is YES, I congratulate you and I am sure youcan get couple of tips from this article that you can use toimprove your process and make more money.If your answer is NO, I also congratulate you on yourdecision to read this article because you will start makingmoney online if you use the tips and techniques you'lldiscover in "10 Steps to Online Profits" article.Let's get started with the necessary steps required for youto get an online venture up and running!Step #1 - Have an open mindset - your mindset is the driverof the whole venture because if you base your hope on falsepromises, you will fail and drop out of the race even beforeyou can start - online business, just like any business,takes time to grow and operate. Step #2 - Set your goals - you need to have a goal aboutwhat you want and you need to have your goals mapped out inyour plan - answer these simple questions… **Why do you want to operate online business? **What business or industry are you targeting? **What niche and how big is the niche?Step #3 - Learn about the niche - awareness is a greatresource to make it online, the more you know about yourniche audience, the better you will be able to speak theirlanguage and understand their problems.Step #4 - Tools - know the necessary tools you need tooperate your business. For example, basic tools to operateinternet marking business are: (a)Computer, (b)Internet connection, (c)E-mail, (d)Time (at least 10 hours a week) (e)Money to buy some required tools , plus (f)Your brain and motivation to put things together.Step #5 - Learn form the people who are already working inyour niche area - the best way to learn is to watch whatthey do and how they do it. Sometimes you may need to buytheir product to see their marketing processes.Step #6 - Set up - register your business name and/or domainname. Make sure it is short and meaningful to your visitors- set up your website.Step #7 - Communication - set up auto-responder sequentiale-mail to communicate with your visitors and customers.Step #8 - Promotion - use various promotional tools likepaid advertisement, article marketing, ezine ad, and pressreleases to promote your website.Step #9 - Affiliate program - sign-up for multiple affiliateprograms to increase your online survival chances - creatingmultiple source of income.Step #10 - Educate yourself - forget about what you may haveheard about "No Experience or Education" is necessary.Constant education is required to operate successfulinternet marketing. Remember, you are the sole proprietor of your business;until you're big enough to hire help, you will need to workon all areas of your business - for you to be able to do agood job performing the necessary tasks; you should have anidea of what you're doing at the least.The best way to learn is to have someone who has alreadybeen there and done that as your mentor. Someone who iswilling to take your hand and help pull you up in yourinternet business venture and help you to easily jump startyour website sales.There are lots of huddles to cross and bridges to burnincluding deadlines to meet in order for you to meet up withyour goals. You need someone who will be able to hold youup to your deadlines and help you to manage your timeefficiently. Do what I say but not what I do kind of a process does notwork; you need to watch the process as it's been done andfollow a simple day-by-day "blueprint" the pros use to gettheir own site up and running.I hope you find these steps to be useful and I wish yousuccess in your internet marketing ventures.