How Managers Can Establish Trust in the Workplace

Apr 7


Angela Huffmon

Angela Huffmon

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There are many elements that can build a successful working relationship, trust is the most important. In the workplace, managers must actively work at establishing trust with their employees.


There are many elements that can build a successful working relationship,How Managers Can Establish Trust in the Workplace Articles trust is the most important.  However, trust must first be earned then it must be nurtured and maintained.  In the workplace, managers must actively work at establishing trust with their employees.

Observing trust in reality

When I worked for American Express my General Manager was this burly man with a deep voice and gruff exterior, a real tough guy from the Bronx.  He was intimidating to say the least.  However, he was a senior manager that exhibited trustworthiness.  He made it a point to communicate information through frequent town halls meetings, and mass emails.  In addition, he always followed through on his word.  If he said he would pass our suggestions for improvements on to the big wigs in New York, he did it.  He was the kind of manager where you always knew exactly where you stood with him.  And although, he didn’t immediately appear to be very approachable, he actually was and welcomed new ideas.  These qualities gained him my respect and loyalty as a result.  On the other hand, I also have the unfortunate experience of working for a manager that was extremely untrustworthy.  She relished in finger pointing, and placing blame on her employees.  She held back information that directly affected her staff.  She lied on her employees to cover her own mistakes, and over time she lost the respect of most of her employees and colleagues.

The element of trust or the lack of it has a profound effect on the relationships these managers had with their employees and colleagues.  Treating employees as partners makes people feel respected.  According to Ken Blanchard in respect leads to trust.  Therefore, if there is no respect from your employees, you also will not be able to establish a trusting relationship.  Therefore, don’t expect to act unsavory in your work and think you will still hold the respect of your co-workers.  There are three things managers can do to create a trusting relationship in the workplace.

Communication will establish trust

Transparency is the best way to build trust in the workplace.  In recent times, too many employees have watched corporations lie, and conceal information from their employees.  In many cases, the results ended in major layoffs, indictments, and even total closures of international companies.  It’s no wonder employees aren’t totally distrustful of their organization.  Unfortunately, every time a corporation makes the news for fraud all other companies suffer from added mistrust from their employees.  Therefore, it is imperative that every company make it a point to communicate information freely.  Creating a company mission of transparency will build trust.  Communicate in good times and bad will show your employees that you are not hiding information from them.

Respect your employees’ work will establish trust

Showing your employees that you respect their work will build trust.  The best way to do this is by giving an assignment along with direction, then let them go.  Keep an open door policy, in case your employees have questions, but don’t micromanage.  When a manager micromanages their employees it is sending the message that you don’t trust them.  The employee will think that you don’t trust their work, or their work ethic.  Showing that you have confidence in your employees abilities will build trust, according to a survey done by Development Dimensions International.  Micromanaging will erode the employees’ confidence.  As long as you give clear direction for the project, especially if it’s the employee’s first time, you shouldn’t have to worry.  Give the employee encouragement will build their confidence, and establish trust in your relationship.  If the employee makes a mistake, give more encouragement and redirect their efforts.  After all we’ve all made mistakes over the years, and usually learned from them.  Even your best employees will make mistakes at times, learn from those mistakes, and improve.

Work with your team to establish trust

Rolling up your sleeve and working with your team will build trust.  Don’t leave all the grunt work for your employees.  When your team has to work late to complete a project be right there with them.  Participate in their brain storming, fact finding, and research will reinforce your expertise and experience with your team and increase the respect of your employees.  Watching you work alongside them after hours will also result in greater trust in your workplace.