Some Tips On How To Use Forums To Drive Traffic To Your Site

Feb 13


Charles Goldei

Charles Goldei

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Summary: Forums are a great way to drive traffic to your site your website or blog. They do take up some of your time but the effort is worth it in the long run. When you start submitting to forums keep doing it don't stop the momentum and be persistent in what you are doing.

Forums are great for finding out information about things that interest you.  For instance you may have a business and want to know how to advertise your business.  You can join a forum that is related to businesses and get to know people there and ask questions and maybe you can bring some advice along with you.

Forums are free to join.  I have never been to one yet that i had to pay for.  These are places to go to get noticed and to get your website looking good with the search engines.  You will get back links to your site off your forum signature because in your signature you get a chance to put your webpage link in it and this gets spidered by the search engines.

I have some tips for you on how to use forums as a way of driving traffic to your blog or webpage.

1. First when you join a forum you will have to create a user name and password,Some Tips On How To Use Forums To Drive Traffic To Your Site  Articles then you will get an email asking you to confirm that this is your actual email address and not someone else's.  After you have done this you will be able to login to the forum.

2.  After you gain access to the forum start working on your profile, let people know what kind of person you are give them personal details of yourself tell them about your business give your email address out to anyone that wants to connect with you.  You will be asked for a website address this is in addition to your signature file so try and put a different website address or blog address here.

3.  You will be asked to produce a signature file this is important part of your membership because every time you write a post or ask a question your signature file is going to show up in your post along with a link to your website or blog page.  Describe how its going to benefit people by visiting your website on your website try and give away something like a free e-book or something like that to attract people to it.

4.   Upload your picture let everyone see who you are it goes a long way to promoting yourself online people will soon get to know who you are by your picture.  Make sure you upload a clear photo and it hasn't got any shadows in the picture. 

5.  When you first join a forum you will be asked to introduce yourself in most forums.  Make sure that you do this because if you start posting you will be considered as spamming the system.  So make sure you go in and introduce yourself first.  This is your chance to share with everyone where you come from what is your background etc. 

6.  You can join several forums and post to them on a daily basis, I would say join five and see how you go with that.  It might be that you haven't got much time for five but if you get five posts out each day you will do well with promoting your site.