Attracting Prosperity with the Angels

Feb 27


Annie Bathgate

Annie Bathgate

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Do you struggle with prosperity in your life? Do you believe the Angels want you to prosper? We believe the Angels DO want you to prosper and we've found wonderful guidance and answers about prosperity from my evolving relationship with my Guardian Angel. Here is some insight in how to attract more prosperity into your life starting now!


What do you think when you hear the word,Attracting Prosperity with the Angels Articles Prosperity?  What comes to your mind?  Lots of money?  Land?  Power?  Is it a selfish term?  A greedy term?  A definition of Prosperity according to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary is;“the condition of being successful or thriving, especially; economic well being”.  We all probably think of that “especially” more often than anything when describing prosperity, which is ‘economic well being’.  How do we grasp the concept of prosperity in a spiritual way?  How do we rewrite old beliefs of unworthiness and feeling undeserving?

Luckily, God created loving messengers to assist us in our journey to discover the Truth of Prosperity for us as Lightworkers.  Angels are Divine beings created by God to love, serve and protect us.  They are our friends.  Just like a friend, they want what is best for us.  God created the Angels so we could have closer connections with God, a link, a place to start our journey towards Divine Love.  Sometimes it’s easier for us to think of an Angel loving us.  Thinking God loves us might be too big of a thought to wrap our head around.  So God made these special beings to show us the way to Love, the way to God, to the best of who we are.

These Angels love us unconditionally.  They do not judge us or think badly of us.  They never sit there and criticize us, even when we make mistakes.  They don’t see that we are making mistakes; they see us as learning lessons.  They are happy to assist us in anything, day or night.  All they care about is supporting us and being there for us.  This may be overwhelming to think, that there is a resource for us to receive such unconditional support.  Angels are pure love and they rejoice when we ask for assistance.

So why do the Angels want you to prosper?  For many reasons!  Angels see our inner light and want to help us shine.  They realize that worry, anxiety and fears block out our glow. Our old belief system blocks us from receptivity.  It blocks our imagination.  It blocks our ability to feel courageous and to take risks.  It blocks us from truly being ourselves.  It blocks us from taking steps we might take if we felt confident in ourselves and in our abilities.  It blocks us from receiving all good and abundance in our lives. 

Step One in recognizing and attracting prosperity in your life is seeing the abundance already in your life.  (See all Seven Steps in our eBook, How To Attract Prosperity with the Angels, on our website at

When you wake up in the morning, what are your first thoughts?  Do you worry about there being enough time, money, friends, fun, rest, work and play in your life?  Do you wake up eagerly expecting good to come into your life?  The Angels want to help us see the good that is already present in our lives.  Sometimes it takes a while to undo old thought patterns and change our focus.  Sometimes it can be difficult to ‘see’ that we already have good, right now, in our lives.

One way to shift our thinking is to practice recognizing the Magical Moments in our everyday.  Famed Life Coach Anthony Robbins talks about how each of us, right now, already have many magical moments everyday, yet we fail to recognize them. 

Let’s get started on seeing those Magical Moments right now.  Make a habit, at the end of each day, to reflect on what you experienced.  Create a journal to keep track of those Magical Moments; examples can include when you had lunch today and the person behind the counter gave you a smile, with an extra large helping of fries; when that phone rang with a call from your friend you hadn’t spoken to in ages; that amazing sunset as you were driving home from work tonight?  Simply start to recognize 2 or 3 moments everyday.  The Angels encourage you to make it a game.  See how God is blessing you with these moments, which may easily be swept under the rug if we don’t really think about it. 

This is the reason, this is the key, this is what happens when we recognize the good in our lives, as related through Unity author, Sophy Burnham in her article, What God Do You Pray To, The Path of Prayer:

“The Universe responds to praise!  It loves to be noticed, and when you receive its gifts with gratitude, it does cartwheels to send you more!  You don’t have to believe me; put it to the test.  Try it out; see if it doesn’t work for you. One day, when you are flushed with humility and gratitude, give in.”

As you start your Magical Moments journal, you'll be surprised to see what you already have in your life.  As you acknowledge the prosperity, it will only start to increase!  The Angels will help you to break down old negative thoughts that is blocking this flow into your life.  Start your journey in asking the Angels to help you rewrite your beliefs about abundance.  They’ll send you signs and guidance to assist you, day by day, to attract even more prosperity into your life today!