Power Up with Extreme Self-Care

May 3


Ute Lawrence

Ute Lawrence

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Summary: Embrace the transformative practice of extreme self-care to enhance your well-being. This comprehensive approach involves prioritizing your physical, mental, and emotional health to better support others and achieve personal goals. From mindful meditation to regular physical activity and professional health check-ups, discover how to revitalize your life through dedicated self-care strategies.


Understanding Extreme Self-Care

Extreme self-care is often misunderstood as selfishness,Power Up with Extreme Self-Care Articles but it's fundamentally about ensuring personal well-being to be more effective in helping others. Similar to the airline safety protocol of securing your own oxygen mask before assisting others, extreme self-care advocates for a robust personal foundation to enhance one's ability to care for others.

The Philosophy Behind Self-Care

Self-care is not just an occasional indulgence but a continuous commitment to one's health and happiness. It aligns one's values with both internal and external environments, promoting a holistic approach to well-being.

Starting Your Self-Care Journey

Journaling: A Tool for Reflection and Growth

Begin by purchasing a journal to express thoughts, emotions, and goals. This practice not only serves as a therapeutic exercise but also helps track progress in various aspects of life.

Daily Self-Care Questions

Each morning, ask yourself: "What is one thing I can do today that will bring me closer to my goals?" This helps maintain focus on personal growth and well-being.

Key Areas of Focus in Extreme Self-Care

Stress Reduction Techniques

Incorporate mindful breathing or meditation into your routine to combat stress. According to the American Psychological Association, meditation can significantly lower stress levels, improve sleep, and reduce blood pressure.

  • Getting Started: Consider yoga classes or meditation CDs, such as those by Dr. Andrew Weil, to ease into the practice.

Physical Health and Exercise

Commit to daily physical activity, whether it's walking, swimming, or another exercise you enjoy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week. Benefits include improved mood, stronger immune function, and better weight management.

Professional Health Evaluations

Ensure regular medical check-ups and appropriate tests based on age and personal health history. Address any psychological issues with professional help to improve overall well-being.

Personal Appearance and Confidence

Evaluate and enhance your personal appearance as desired, from hair and skincare to wardrobe choices, to boost confidence and self-perception.

Reducing Negative Influences

Media Consumption

Limit exposure to stressful news content. Opt for a "news fast" to decrease stress and increase time for positive activities like reading or engaging with nature.

Personal Experiences

During a trip to Arizona, my husband Stan and I avoided newspapers and television, which significantly increased our quality time and reduced stress.

Setting Boundaries and Communicating Needs

Learning to Say No

Empower yourself by declining requests that do not align with your personal needs or values. This is crucial for maintaining mental health and personal boundaries.

Quality Time

Invest in relationships that matter by spending quality time with loved ones and engaging in meaningful activities.

Assessing and Addressing Needs

Regularly evaluate whether your needs are being met and communicate them effectively to ensure they are addressed.


Extreme self-care is an empowering and necessary practice for achieving a balanced, healthy life. By focusing on personal well-being, individuals can enhance their ability to support and care for others, leading to a more fulfilling and productive life.

For further reading on the benefits of meditation, visit the American Psychological Association and for exercise guidelines, check the CDC's recommendations.