Outsmart Your Rivals Without Slashing Your Prices

Jan 2


Bob Leduc

Bob Leduc

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In the competitive world of business, it's not always about offering the lowest price. In fact, you can outperform your competitors even when your prices are higher. The secret lies in specializing in a specific, narrowly defined target market.

Building Relationships Trumps Pricing

I recently had a conversation with the founder of a marketing program designed for new business owners. Instead of trying to undercut the established competition with lower prices,Outsmart Your Rivals Without Slashing Your Prices Articles he chose to focus on two types of businesses he had prior experience with - insurance sales and MLM marketing.

He had a deep understanding of the workings of these businesses and the people involved in them. He developed separate websites for each business type, tailoring the content to specifically appeal to prospects in those industries. While the design of the sites for insurance salespeople and MLM marketers was identical, the content was entirely different.

His strategy was a success. Sales are nearly 50% above projections, even with prices 15% higher than similar programs. He managed to thrive in a highly competitive market by becoming a specialist.

Customers Prefer Specialists

People prefer to do business with specialists who have a unique insight into their situation. They feel more confident about getting what they expect from a product or service when it's offered by someone who understands their unique needs.

Most customers are even willing to pay a little extra to buy from someone who thinks like them. It's worth it to avoid the risk of disappointment from buying from someone who doesn't understand their specific situation.

Selling More as a Specialist

Targeting a niche market allows you to craft your sales messages with great precision. You can cater to the specifically defined interests of prospects and communicate with them in their own style. More people will buy when they feel you are speaking directly to them about their individual needs.

Special Benefit

As a specialist, you also establish yourself as an expert in your field. Customers will naturally refer other prospects to you. They value what you did for them and are confident you can deliver the same results for others.

Three Simple Steps to Becoming a Specialist

Becoming a specialist is easier than you might think. Here are three simple steps to achieve it:

  • Break down your primary market into several narrowly defined markets.
  • Learn everything you can about the prospects in each market, one at a time.
  • Revise your marketing approach and selling materials to appeal to the specific needs of prospects in each new market. Use their unique language and style of communication.


Existing customers who match the profile of prospects in a market you've targeted can help you develop your sales approach for that market. Ask them why they chose your product or service, what they like best about it, and why they chose you over a competitor. Their feedback can provide valuable insights to help you appeal to other prospects who are similar to them.

In conclusion, you'll always have competitors. But you don't have to lower your prices to compete with them. Instead, become a specialist and cater to prospects in a narrowly defined target market. Your understanding and insight into their unique situation will establish you as the expert in your field. They'll want to do business with you, even if you don't offer the lowest price.