Problems are created in our minds and more often than not, we make them out to be bigger than they really are. Whenever a problem comes our way, it is an opportunity to refocus on what we want and take appropriate action to move towards our vision.
What are problems? And why do we perceive so many events and challenges as problems?
A problem sounds like an obstacle, doesn't it? Not a huge one. But an obstacle nonetheless - problems are things we seem to need to get round, or solve, or deal with before we can get on to the next thing.
So if problems are minor obstacles and they're getting in the way, what's the best way of dealing with them? Perhaps they'll go away. Perhaps they'll not be there in the morning if we sleep on them
Here's the truth of the matter: problems do not exist. They really don't. A situation only becomes a problem because you choose to make it so, and it only gets in the way because you let it.
Remember, you have a wide and boundless imagination. You have vision and farsightedness. You have love and compassion in your heart, and you are guided by truth and integrity.
Use that imagination. Draw on your vision and your ability to see things in different ways. Use your truth and integrity to see the situation for what it really is - a challenge - and bring all your love and compassion to smoothing its rough edges.
Nothing need ever be a problem. All it needs to be is a challenge from which you can learn, develop, and grow.
There doesn't need to be a problem with communication if you are truly open-hearted, and can draw people in to the truth of what is really going on. There do not need to be problem families if we choose not to see them as problems but as families with material or spiritual needs. It's all in the perception. Choose to see something as a problem, and immediately you create more confusion and conflict because now everything is negative and difficult.
Take your inner gifts and use them well to change other peoples' perceptions - it is a choice, after all, to turn something into a negative. Choose to turn a situation towards the positive and the light and you will free other peoples' minds to do the same.
Your outlook on life has the power to change other peoples' perceptions and on your journey you have the capacity to make such a difference in how you handle conflict and resolution. By doing so, you give people the chance to really hear one another, to connect on deeper levels and to forge strong relationships.
And doesn’t it take less energy to clear a way through, than to take a shovel and dig your way round?
Teaching “The Secret” via The Science Of Getting Rich Seminar
In 1910, Wallace Wattles wrote the timeless classic ‘The Science of Getting Rich’. It was a bold title for a book and Wattles suggested that getting rich is a predictable outcome if one can master the principles outlined in the book. Certainly, this book is well referenced by many of the great teachers today and it is the same book that inspired Rhonda Byrne to produce that runaway success “The Secret”.The Legacy of Wallace D. Wattles
In 1910, Wallace D. Wattles released his book called the "Science of Getting Rich" which inspired the hot movie of 2006, "The Secret". The movie "The Secret", showed how you can have whatever you want in life and be able to create all that you desire.The Power Within You
Everything in the universe is Energy. That includes you. When someone asks you who you are, a true answer is that you simply are a representation of energy. You represent energy in a physical form, which is your body.