Marriages That Are Doomed To Fail

May 5


Marvin W Perry

Marvin W Perry

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Discover the common pitfalls that lead to the breakdown of marriages. This article explores various types of unions known for high failure rates, delving into the reasons behind their lack of success, supported by statistics and expert insights.

Understanding the High Failure Rate of Certain Marriages

Marriage,Marriages That Are Doomed To Fail Articles ideally a lifelong commitment, often faces challenges that can lead to its dissolution. According to the American Psychological Association, about 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the United States divorce, and the divorce rate for subsequent marriages is even higher. This article examines specific scenarios that frequently lead to unsuccessful marriages.

Marrying Due to Parental Pressure

One significant factor contributing to marital failure is marrying to satisfy parental expectations. In many cultures, parental influence can dictate marital choices, which may not align with the individual's preferences. A study by the University of Washington found that marriages resulting from external pressures, including from parents, have a higher likelihood of dissatisfaction and eventual separation.

Marrying Out of Obligation

Another scenario is marrying due to an unplanned pregnancy. Couples often believe that marriage is the next necessary step after conception, which can lead to rushed decisions without genuine mutual commitment. According to research published in the Journal of Marriage and Family, these marriages are more likely to struggle with compatibility issues and financial stress, leading to a higher likelihood of divorce.

Financially Motivated Marriages

Marrying for financial stability rather than love or compatibility is another significant contributor to marital breakdowns. These relationships often lack a deep emotional foundation, making it difficult to overcome challenges together. A survey by SunTrust Bank indicated that financial stress is one of the leading causes of divorce, particularly when the initial motive for marriage is financial gain.

Age-Related Marriages

Some individuals marry because they feel societal pressure to wed by a certain age. This often leads to settling with partners they are not genuinely interested in. The National Institutes of Health reports that marriages formed under societal pressure to conform to age-related expectations are less likely to be satisfying and more prone to conflict and regret.

The Impact of Marrying Too Young

Young couples, particularly teenagers, might marry believing they are ready for the commitment. However, these marriages often face premature endings as the partners grow and evolve, realizing the limitations imposed by their union. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that marriages entered into before the age of 20 have the highest rate of divorce.

Short Courtships

Marriages following brief dating periods are also prone to failure. Couples who rush into marriage without adequately knowing each other or understanding the depth of marital commitment often face insurmountable issues later on. According to a study by Emory University, couples who date for at least three years before getting married are 39% less likely to get divorced than those who date for less than a year.


Understanding the reasons behind the high failure rates of certain types of marriages can help individuals make more informed decisions about their relationships. Marriages built on solid foundations of mutual respect, shared goals, and genuine affection are more likely to withstand the tests of time.