Getting Back On That Horse!!

Jan 27


Elaine Robinson, M.A.

Elaine Robinson, M.A.

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Struggling to reach your Ideal Scene or target? Learn the secret to permanent weight loss.


Releasing weight is a lot about movement,Getting Back On That Horse!! Articles most notably, inner movement. Traditionally, we tend to think that movement only occurs on the physical level, as in ‘physical exercise.’ After all, this is what we’re normally accustomed to hearing. In order to release weight and release it permanently, however, we must be willing to move on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually (if you subscribe to that). We must be willing to update how we feel, think, act, and how we are with ourselves. 

When I am in judgment of myself and my body, nothing can or will change. I am not moving. I’m stuck on what I think is the truth. I’ve made up something in my mind in order to make how I am and what I’m doing tolerable or okay. In order to change, to release weight, to become fit, and to love your body, you must be willing to let go of your position of judgment. What I mean by this is that you must be willing to release the judgments if you want change. This is sometimes easier said than done. 

One great way to begin this shift is to focus on what you are doing well. Have you ever heard that phrase: “Catch yourself doing something right?” What can you find about yourself that you are doing well with regards to your weight release and body image journey? Take a moment right now (I can wait) and think of something you are doing well. Did you do it? If so, how does it support you? What benefit do you receive by doing that? And if you didn’t take the time, just realize that reading about how to release weight doesn’t release weight. Action releases weight on all levels. 

All too often we focus on what we’re not doing well, thus we judge ourselves. I continually fall into that same trap and frequently remind myself to ‘catch myself doing something right’. There is an interesting universal law that states: “What we focus on we get more of.” Or, the way I say it is: “I get more of whatever I place my attention on.” When speaking to a prospective client, I often hear: “I’ve tried every diet out there, and none of them work for me.” I don’t actually try to talk them out of it. Who am I to argue with that? I believe them, for they have created a self-fulfilling prophecy that no diet will work. Having said that, in order to begin releasing weight, you will need to release and update the belief that “no diet will work” (or insert your own version of why you don’t have the body or body image you’d like to). In my experience, when I’ve released and updated a belief that limits me, I release weight. I’ve actually, physically released weight -- as if by magic. It’s an amazing phenomenon. I encourage you to try it. Remember, what we focus on, we get more of. If I am focusing on the fact that no diet will assist me, then no diet will. We are powerful creators. Where is your attention right now? 

Believe it or not: the key to weight loss or weight release as I refer to it is... (drum roll please)... 

Get back on the horse one more time than you get bumped off. 

That’s it. That’s all you have to do. It seems quite elementary, and it is. The truth is that the reason most people don’t reach their Ideal Scene -- their target -- is because they give up. They quit. There may be the occasional exception, but it rarely has to do with the actual diet used. Sure, there is intention, focus and other tools that definitely help, but really, no matter how many times you stop, the key is to get back on the horse one more time than you get bumped off. You must start again one more time than you stop. And the amazing and wonderful thing is that we get an infinite amount of opportunities to do this. Have you ever noticed that lessons are repeated until we learn them? 

Working with my own weight and body image goes back many years. I could fall victim to life circumstances or I could focus on what I do have control over. I do have control over what I put into my body. I do have control over how much physical activity I give to myself. I do have control over my attitude towards the process and journey. I do have control on where I place my attention. And, since I am human, I’m all over the place depending on the day you ask me. I simply get back on the horse one more time than I get off. I begin again, one more time than I stop.  

Remember, small changes made consistently over time produce large results. Do you remember that saying about it not being the end of the journey that matters? Go on...if you haven’t already, I invite you to get back on the horse.

Food for Thought “Nuggets” for Get Back on that Horse! 

  • When I am in judgment of my body, nothing can or will change. 
  • Catch yourself doing something right! All too often we focus on what we’re not doing well. What we focus on, we get more of. 
  • The key to releasing weight permanently is: Get back on the horse one more time than you get bumped off. Start the journey again one more time than you stop it. 
  • Small changes made consistently over time produce large results. 
  • I do have control over what I put into my body. I do have control over how much physical activity I give to myself. I do have control over my attitude towards the process. I do have control on where I place my attention. 

Until next time, all the best, 

Elaine Robinson 

InnerSpect “Weight Release & Body Image” Coaching

Facilitating Healthy Weight Release & Positive Shifts in Body Image 

P.O. Box 4092

Mountain View, CA 94040

(650) 938-1222