If you want to work at home you need to hear the truth and not just a bunch of pie in the sky rah rah type of stuff. You see how great it is when you surf around, but you do not always get the truth. In this article I want to talk about the truth.
Let's skip the rah rah stuff about working at home. You really need to get the truth. You do not always get that when you are researching work at home opportunities.
In this article I want to talk about the truth.
You are probably going to get distractions. For some reason friends and family think that a person who works out of their home is not really working. It is alright to disturb you whenever they want to. Your ability to handle this and nip it in the bud will be vital to your success.
If you value a little thing like a regular paycheck you are going to be upset on Friday. At least you could be upset until you get some of income coming in. Many people do not have the nest egg put away to not get paid. Friday may go from being a day of joy to a day of sorrow because this can be stressful so beware.
You could be losing important benefits such as health insurance, 401k, sick days, vacation days, and other things like this. Working at home for yourself can mean that you will work when you are sick and not get paid for it. It might even mean deciding if you can afford to go to the doctor and get those chest pains looked at, or even no vacation. OUCH!
We could go on and on about what you will lose if go to work for yourself out of your own home and quit your job. Granted, none of the above applies, if you get to work out of your home at the convenience of your employer.
Now the other side of the truth is the good part. You work when you decide to. This is the type of freedom that can only come from working at home for you.
You will have no ceiling on your income because your boss does not determine your pay, you do. How great is that. With and internet business it even gets better because you can build more websites and sell ,more if you really want to make more money.
In summary the truth is working for yourself has its good points and its bad points. It is up to you to turn the bad into the good and make working at home as positive as possible.
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