Wholesale Smok Basics: How Your Hit Determines What You Should Purchase

May 20


Anas Jafri

Anas Jafri

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When it comes to vaping, enthusiasts are always on the hunt for the best devices and customization options. However, before diving into purchasing Smok Wholesale supplies or kits, it's crucial to understand the fundamentals of vaping, particularly the type of hit you prefer. This decision will significantly influence your choice of device, e-liquid, and mouthpiece.

Understanding Vaping Hits: Lung Hits vs. Mouth Hits

Lung Hits

Lung hits involve drawing vapor directly into your lungs,Wholesale Smok Basics: How Your Hit Determines What You Should Purchase Articles bypassing the mouth. This method is often preferred by former cigarette smokers, especially those accustomed to filter-less cigarettes, as it mimics the sensation of taking large smoke inhales. Lung hits are popular among experienced vapers who enjoy producing large vapor clouds. However, this method can diminish the flavor intensity since some e-juice flavors are lost during the inhalation process.

To enhance flavor while taking lung hits, some vapers exhale through both their nose and mouth, allowing them to experience the flavor through both their nasal cavity and taste buds. Devices best suited for lung hits include box mods and vape pens, which offer less resistance and better airflow.

Mouth Hits

Mouth hits involve drawing vapor into the mouth and holding it momentarily before inhaling into the lungs. This technique is common among those who have smoked filtered cigarettes or are new to vaping. It provides a milder experience and is often used by individuals looking to quit smoking, as it involves less nicotine intake while still delivering the flavor and sensation of vaping.

It's important to note that vaping differs from smoking tobacco. With tobacco, nicotine absorption occurs primarily in the lungs. In contrast, e-cigarette vapor begins absorbing nicotine in the mouth and nose, offering a richer and more flavorful experience. Devices with higher coil resistance, such as e-cigarettes, are recommended for mouth hits.

Choosing the Right Device

Your preferred hit type will determine the best device for your vaping experience. Here's a quick guide:

  • Lung Hits: Opt for box mods or vape pens with good airflow and less resistance.
  • Mouth Hits: Choose devices with higher coil resistance, like e-cigarettes.

Buying in Bulk: Save Money and Time

Once you've identified the ideal vaporizer for your style, consider purchasing your supplies in bulk. Buying wholesale SMOK flavors and tanks online can save you money and the hassle of frequent trips to the store. For any questions about your order or product recommendations, contact the knowledgeable staff at Kingdom Vapor at 814-297-8240.

Interesting Stats About Vaping

  1. Vaping Market Growth: The global e-cigarette and vape market was valued at $15.04 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $104.51 billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 28.1% from 2021 to 2028 (Grand View Research).

  2. Health Impact: A study by Public Health England found that vaping is at least 95% less harmful than smoking traditional cigarettes (Public Health England).

  3. Youth Vaping Trends: In 2021, 11.3% of high school students in the U.S. reported using e-cigarettes, a significant decrease from 27.5% in 2019 (CDC).


Understanding the type of hit you prefer is essential in selecting the right vaping device and e-liquid. Whether you opt for lung hits or mouth hits, choosing the appropriate equipment will enhance your vaping experience. Consider buying in bulk to save money and ensure you always have your favorite supplies on hand. For expert advice and high-quality products, reach out to Kingdom Vapor.

This article is written in valid Markdown format, with headers, lists, and links to authoritative sources. It provides a comprehensive guide to understanding vaping hits and choosing the right device, along with interesting statistics about the vaping industry.