Digital Marketing 101: 9 Difficult Clients You’ll Meet

Nov 10


Dominic Cruz

Dominic Cruz

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Working in a digital marketing agency? You'll surely meet at least one of these tough clients! Be more professional by knowing each character here!


The customer is always right. How many times have we heard this? We all try to live by it but not all clients are easy to work with,Digital Marketing 101: 9 Difficult Clients You’ll Meet Articles right? In every business, particularly in the digital marketing field, there will always be a client who will run your patience dry. Nonetheless, no matter how difficult they are to work with they are still your top priority.

If you’re working in an industry similar to ours—digital marketing—I’m sure you’re familiar with these clients (but if you haven’t encountered them yet, just you wait because you will):

1. The [Always] Unsure

“I’m not sure what I want.”

Inconsistent, indecisive, and unsure; they don’t know what they want, and most of the time you need to take the reins from them.


2. The Request Generator

“Can you please do this…and this one with a bit more of that?”

They expand and complicate a project with their frequent changes and “improvements” that are not even necessary.


3. The “Only” Client

“This is an emergency. Please do…”

They see themselves as your most important client and that they deserve all your time. They give you tasks that are mostly needed to be done tomorrow…or later.


4. The Know-it-All

“I certainly know what I don’t want – it’s what you’re doing right now!”

They always interrupt your proposal with something they think is “much better”. They keep firing suggestions until you end up wondering why they asked for your help in the first place.


5. The Rejector

“Your proposal was great, but I need more…something entirely different.”

They give the toughest projects and won’t accept a simple proposal. They’re infuriating—and a bit offensive—but eventually you’ll learn to accept that they just want the best.


6. The Jack-in-the-Box

“Hey! Didn’t you know today is the deadline?”

They disappear for weeks or months at a time and then suddenly attack you with requests and tasks that are needed to be done ASAP.


7. The Time Insensitive

“I hope you got my email last night. Is the proposal done? Can we have a meeting tonight at 9?”

They believe people in the digital industry don’t sleep. You will usually receive their emails at 3 a.m. or get asked for a business meeting after your long hours of work.


8. The Money Pincher

“Will this service cost extra? I have already paid a hefty sum the first time.”

Tightwad, money pincher, bean counter…whatever you call them, they will always have a reason not to spend on a project. Most of them already expect results in the first phase.


9. The Apathetic

“I don’t really know what to do. So I guess I’d just let you do what you do.”

They are either uncommitted or unknowledgeable of the information needed for the project. As a result, they will leave it up to you as they suppose you “know” what should be done.

Customers always come first. Whoever they are, whatever they need, and however they act, it’s important to remain professional and respectful towards them. Do you want to give your digital marketing agency a leg up? Getting to know your potential clients is the key.

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