A Simple but Powerful Way to Make Sure the Law of Attraction Gets You More of What You Hate!

Jun 5


Leanna Fredrich

Leanna Fredrich

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Sara called me recently and begin sharing how the Law of Attraction was not working for her. She said,"I want more money but then I look around and all I see is debt. During the next 10 minutes she told me in great detail about her lack of money and the burden of her debt.


Sara called me recently and begin sharing how the Law of Attraction was not working for her.  She said,"I want more money but then I look around and all I see is debt. During the next 10 minutes she told me in great detail about her lack of money and the burden of her debt.  The Law of Attraction works this way...What you focus and feel about expands.  So guess what was expanding in Sara's life? You're right. Debt and lack of money!  Was the Law of Attraction working in her life? Absolutely!  It was working perfectly.  The problem was that what she was focusing on was NOT what she wanted but what she didn't want.

The key to making sure the Law of Attraction doesn't get you what you desire is to focus on what you don't want.  To take this a step further make sure as you focus on what you don't want that you also feel emotion about it. It's easy!  If you are very honest and look at your life I'm sure you can find areas that you are treating just like Sara.  I will also bet that the Law of Attraction is working well and bringing you more of what you don't want.  Ugh!  Let's stop this madness!

You don't want more of what you hate in your life,A Simple but Powerful Way to Make Sure the Law of Attraction Gets You More of What You Hate! Articles you want wonderful things. So let's get started...

Step 1:  Write in the present tense what you want. For example;  "I am so thrilled and relieved now that I am financially free." or "I am so excited and joyful now that money flows into my life with abundance and joy." Will it feel weird to read these statements?  Sure it will, at first.  Soon though you will begin to believe them.  If you have a lot of resistance to these statements start out by stating your desires with "I intend".  "I intend to be financially free."

Step 2:  Read your statement everyday and while you do that get a picture in your mind of YOU experiencing financial freedom.  What would that look like, feel like, smell like?  Allow yourself to feel the feelings.  Wahoo!  Isn't this fun?

Step 3:  Notice every time money comes into your life and be thankful for it. So even when you find a penny on the ground pick it up.  Be thankful for this sign of financial abundance coming into your life.

Step 4:  When you think of an action you could take - Do it!

Many of us get confused and think we are focusing on what we want when actually we are still focusing on what we don't want. There is a simple way to know which you are doing.  If you feel good while thinking then you are focusing on what you want. If you feel bad then you are focusing on what you do not want.  Choose thoughts that make you feel good.

What do you want in your life?  An abundance of money? Awesome relationships?  A meaningful and rewarding career?  A strong, healthy body?  Whatever you desire you may have.  Start today by focusing on what you want and following the four steps to keep your focus on what you want NOT what you don't want.