This simple technique will give your serotonin a boost and only takes a few minutes.
This simple technique will give your serotonin a boost and only takes a few minutes.
By following the below simple steps you will pump fluid up your spine,

giving your brain a bath of sorts. Afterwards you'll feel more centred, calm, happier and possibly a little light-headed.
The breathing exercises help carry oxygen to your cells bringing in new energy. It helps improve memory and insomnia, excellent before a job interview, getting through fearful situations for some people like flying or to calm your mind.
1. Place your left hand on the left side of your upper chest and your right hand on the right side of your head.
2. Breath in through your nose with your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Breathe out through your mouth with your tongue resting on the floor of your mouth. Take four deep breaths.
3. Keeping your left hand in the same position, move your right hand to the back of your head. Take four more deep breaths as described above while holding this position.
4. Switch hands, placing your right hand on your right upper chest and your left hand on the left side of your head. Again, take four more deep breaths as described above while holding this position.
5. Keeping your right hand in the same position, move your left hand to the front of your head, palm on your forehead, fingers bending over the top of your head. Again, take four more deep breaths as described above while holding this position.
My friend, naturopath and healer Francine Lemessager passed this breathing exercise to me; I've enjoyed the benefits for years and happy I can share it with you.
You may be wondering what is serotonin and how does it affect me?
The following is quoted from 'What is serotonin':
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, which is a substance that is designed to transmit messages from one nerve cell to another. The first findings on the serotonin action showed that low levels lead to depression, sleep disorders and various forms of addiction. Serotonin affects and control: mental and emotional processes, in motor functions, in thermoregulation, regulation of blood pressure, in the act of vomiting, in hormonal functions and plays an important role in producing of sleep and depression.
Among other things, a reduced level of serotonin signals the brain that the body "is hungry", overweight people with low levels of serotonin feel the need to eat constantly. The moment when blood glucose levels normalizes, serotonin levels return to normal and they feel better again. An interesting aspect is related to the relationship between nicotine and serotonin. Nicotine increases serotonin levels, and its absence (at a old smoker) has the opposite effect, this being one of the explanations that some of those who quit smoking gain weight, a few pounds.
Some foods have the ability to increase or decrease the serotonin levels, depending on their content, this is why various prepared foods produces different subjective reactions after eating them. Tryptophan, one of the essential amino acids has the ability to increase levels of serotonin in the brain. Foods containing, of course, and other amino acids besides tryptophan.
Tryptophan needs a transport molecule to pass through the blood-brain barrier and some of amino acids competes, occupying this molecule. Thus, tyrosine, phenylalanine, valine, leucine and isoleucine can inhibit the transport of tryptophan in the brain. On the other hand, the amount of tryptophan in foods is very small (the richest food is cheese) and less than 1% of this amount will cross the blood-brain barrier.
We'd love to hear how our breathing exercises worked for you…