Wanting success can be the very thing that keeps it away. Your marketing shows your emotions. By having the top seven given, you can be aware of impact your wanting can have on your marketing activities.
Whenever there is a change to your levels of success in terms of visitors to the website, people signing up, making sales, old feelings and actions can creep in. These only serve to keep you away from what you are seeking.
Each puts the brakes on getting more sales.
1. Feeling Frustrated that nothing seems to be working.
By getting into this negative space you focus only on what's not working rather than considering how things have changed and seeing it as an opportunity. A learning point. A great question to ask, how can I do it differently next time?
2. Being worried about where the next mortgage payment is coming from.
Again, another negative emotion which has the same effect as frustration but perhaps more acute. When we are stressed, our ability to see what is around us diminishes. As a result we are more likely to miss opportunities that we would have otherwise spotted.
3. Keep doing the same ole...
Even though you know results in the past have not been great but you keep doing the same thing in the hope that this time something different will happen. Change your actions and you will have a change in your results.
4. Everyone will need what I do.
So, instead of being narrow and learning about what your market wants, the messages become broad and don't speak to anyone in particular. This is also a result of being impatient, wanting to be out there, successful. Being narrow, understanding your target market, how they think, what their dilemmas are will bring you much more success.
5. Being phased by others offering the same or similar.
Sure being aware of what others are offering is a good thing. But letting it undermine you starts to destroy your business. You devalue what you offer, what you bring to our clients and your ability to operate in your market.
You can always tell you are onto a winner when every person and their dog is offering products or programmes in the same area as you.
6. A belief that the Law of Attraction will bring in the money even if you stay at home with no one knowing about you.
Or, when you do meet people you are stressed or even slightly let the negativity show, you won't make sales.
7. Thinking that doing all the free stuff on marketing that is available is all that you need to successfully set up your business.
And yes, you can do this along with trial and error and you will have success. Remember though, you don't give away your gems on your sampler products - neither will others!
So stick this on the wall and when you find yourself exhibiting one or more of these, stop and reposition your thinking and yourself to be best placed to make the most of the countless opportunities flying past you each minute of every day.
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