If you've ever lived in a house that has been occupied by a smoker, you've probably seen small burn marks in your carpet. While larger cigarette burns will require patching the carpet with a piece of the remainder carpet, small burn marks can easily be fixed without needing extra carpet.
Essentially you can just grab some patches of carpet fiber from the edge of your carpet—say in a closet—then artfully glue them over top of the burn spot.Take your piece of new carpet, and using a hot glue gun, glue the bit of carpet into the spot where the burn mark originally stood, taking care not to get glue on the rest of the carpet. Make sure the sides are covered with glue. You don't want the piece of carpet to come up during routine vacuuming. Use a kitchen rolling pin or similar device to blend the seams together. Try not to let anyone walk on the carpet until it's completely dry. Also, keep in mind that the longer the fibers in the carpet, the easier this fix will be.
It's really not difficult to repair your carpet. It just takes a steady hand and a spare bit of carpet.
How to Trim Away the Burnt FibersIf you're not comfortable trying this bit of carpet repairyourself; you may want to call an expert. First, try the carpet's manufacturer to see if they have a different recommendation for burn removal. Otherwise, you might need to call in a professionalcarpet cleaner to clean or repair the burned spot.
As you can see, a carelessly dropped cigarette or knocked over candle doesn't have to be a death sentence for your carpet. You may have to do a little minor repair work, but it's for a good cause. Besides, why throw out your carpet if you don't have to?
Go to main page Carpet Repair Auckland for details and more tips needed
Getting Out of Trouble with Carpet Dirt Build Up
Dirt is not a difficult problem but if you let it build up for a while or worst for a much longer time, no one can tell if you can still remove it unless you call the experts to do it for you. Carpet dirt is the same story thus it is good to do away with it or else you need not do it yourself.How to Get Easy on Pest Inside the House
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Give your carpet's dirtiest spots and spills attention first. Here's the thing about carpeting: the plush, dense fibers we love to feel underfoot are also really great at clinging to dust, dirt, smoke, pet odor, and whatever other grime comes through the door.